Blog - Summer Skin Care - Are You Ready?

Pre-Summer Skin Care Treatments – Are You READY for Fun in the Sun?

I make decisions ALL DAY LONG. While it can be daunting, I have a secret solution. First, I need to give you some background on myself so you can understand why I must make so many daily decisions. I make all the decisions in my home (single mom life!). I make all the decisions at work (business owner). And I think I should be making all the decisions in my personal life, but on this one, I can at least acknowledge a bit of that falls into the control I perceive to need over the unknown. I cannot be alone in this! Does any of this resonate with you?

My secret solution? One week out of the year, I go visit one of my best friends, and she makes all the decisions for us. She decides which museums or other attractions we will visit, when and where we will eat, and she typically picks out my outfits from what I packed—all the things are chosen for me, and life is beautiful! When I return home, I feel relaxed from spending a week making no decisions, giving my brain a well-earned break.

I am going to be that bestie for you today. As you are preparing yourself and your family for summer, I want to make things simple and fast so you can take a well-deserved mental break.

Get ready, here we go!

Pre-Summer Skin Care Treatments For You:

Laser Hair Removal

Do you remember last summer when you told yourself you needed to make a laser hair removal appointment after you endured an unsightly, burning rash from shaving and getting into the water at the beach soon after? Well, this is your friendly reminder not to do that again and call to make your appointment. It would only take 5–6 sessions to complete this treatment, and afterward, you just do retouches as needed—a few times a year, at most. Trust me, this will make life so much easier! I’m three years on from mine and it was some of the best money I ever spent!

Hydrating Facials

Before exposing yourself to potential sun damage during summer, prevent it by getting hydration facials and keeping up the facial after-care treatment recommended by your Elite Team provider. It is always good to have what you need at arm’s reach. Simple can be better.

Summer Skin Care Products:

Stock up! Elta MD sunscreen is a must during summertime! Not all sunscreens are made the same, so at your next appointment, ask your provider what Elta MD sunscreen is best for you and your family.

Don’t skip your Elite appointment to keep up your skincare routine; skin doesn’t do vacations. Enjoy your summer—it comes and goes very fast!

Post-Summer Product Needs:

Hyperpigmentation is a thing! In simpler terms, this is what professionals call dark skin patches caused by sun damage or skin discoloration. Even age could be a factor. Watch that summer sun exposure and make sure you are protecting yourself. But fret not—we got you covered!

Elite partners with skinbetter Science products to provide our guests with the best options to overcome these problems. Even Tone Correcting Serum by skinbetter improves the appearance of the skin, making hyperpigmentation vanish with time. This product is free of any harsh chemicals, so it’s an easy ‘yes’!

After you come to Elite with that beautiful new tan, we want to ensure your skin is better than ever. Keep up with your hydration facials and laser hair removal touch-ups. And save this blog—you may need it next summer.

There it is, my friend: a worry-free list to help you prepare for summer. I did the research for you, and now all that’s left for you to do is make your appointment. I hope your summer is as bright as your skin!

“And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling” —Shanti 

Are you ready to book your appointment? Click here

Monday9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM - 7:00 PM